In-Floor Heating

Hydronic “In-Floor” Heating

The Future of Comfortable Living

Eliminate the discomfort of cold floors and uneven heat while saving on your electric bill with underground, hydronic heating! This revolutionary plumbing design is perfect for both newly constructed and recently renovated homes.

In-Floor heating is becoming more and more popular.  To find out if it's the right choice for you, give us a call!

In-Floor heating may be a great option for you, your budget, and the environment.

Conventional vs. Hydronic Heating


Air blows out of register and rises while heat sheds and drops down as it cools. This creates pockets of uneven cold and warm air.


Warm air rises from heated floor and is distributed through rooms evenly. This keeps cool air at the ceiling and warm air at the floor for even comfort.

  • Hydronic Heating, also known as ‘Underground’ or ‘In-Floor’ heating, is an energy efficient way of heating a home by way of the floor rather than air.

  • Flexible tubing is installed in the ground and then embedded in poured concrete

    A mixture of water and gylcol is circulated through the tubes from your boiler or water heater

    Waves of thermal radiation rise from below, warming all surfaces it touches

    Air temperature remains consistent while surrounding surfaces stay warm from Hydronic Heating

  • Like any good investment, in-floor heating pays for itself with all the money you’ll save from reduced energy bills and other related costs. Homeowners typically save anywhere from 20%-40% with hydronic heating systems compared to traditional forced air systems.

  • Quiet
    Without the clanking of radiators and pipes, hydronic heating systems are less noisy

    Easy to Control
    Multiple thermostats and valves can be installed for more efficient zone temperature control

    Heat isn’t lost while traveling through complicated ductwork. Because of its distribution process, heat remains even in all areas – eliminating inconsistent cold air pockets.

    Can be easily designed to fit almost any floor plan and once installed, can be covered with most any type of finished flooring materials

    Because tubing is installed underground, ugly and bulky pipes are not exposed

    Without dust-spewing ductwork, fresher air results in less problems related to allergies

    Energy Efficient
    Hydronic heating is up to 30% more energy efficient than forced-air heating